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  • Writer's pictureSpring Berriman

The Psychological Effects of Growing Up With Emotionally Immature Parents

Updated: Sep 19

emotionally immature parents

Growing up with emotionally immature parents can have lasting emotional and psychological impacts. These parents are often caught up in their unmet needs and unresolved issues, making it difficult to provide emotional support and stability to their children. This article delves into the psychological impacts of growing up with emotionally immature parents, providing insights and strategies to help individuals on their healing journey. 

Understanding Emotional Immaturity

Emotionally immature parents display various characteristics that can negatively impact their children. These include: 

  • Inconsistent Behaviour: These parents may be unpredictable in their responses, creating an unstable environment where children are unsure what to expect.

  • Emotional Reactivity: Emotionally immature parents often overreact to minor stressors, creating a chaotic and unstable home environment. 

  • Self-Centredness: These parents may exhibit narcissistic tendencies. They prioritize their own needs and feelings, often neglecting the emotional needs of their children.

  • Poor Emotional Regulation: They may have difficulty managing their emotions, leading to frequent outbursts, dependency on children to meet emotional needs, or withdrawal when faced with stress or conflict.

  • Lack of Empathy: Emotionally immature parents often struggle to understand or validate their children's emotions, leading to feelings of isolation, confusion, and rejection for the child.

Impact on Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

The psychological effects of growing up with emotionally immature parents can manifest in various ways, leading to several short-term and long-term issues. These are discussed below. 

Development of Low Self-Esteem

Children of emotionally immature parents often grow up feeling inadequate and unworthy. Their parents' lack of support and validation can lead them to internalize negative beliefs about themselves. They may constantly seek approval and validation from others, struggling with low self-esteem and self-worth.

Difficulty Forming Healthy Relationships

Children who grow up with emotionally immature parents may not have learned how to develop healthy and secure attachments. They may become overly dependent on others for emotional support or withdraw and avoid close relationships altogether. 

Trust issues are also common. Unpredictability, inconsistency, and emotional neglect teach children that others are unreliable, making it difficult to trust people in adulthood. 

Emotional Dysregulation

Children of emotionally immature parents often mirror their parents’ poor emotional regulation skills. They may have difficulty identifying, understanding, and managing their emotions. They may experience intense feelings without knowing how to cope, leading to anxiety, depression, mood swings, etc. 

Chronic Anxiety and Hypervigilance 

Living with emotionally immature parents invokes uncertainty and instability. Children may develop challenges such as chronic anxiety, in part due to consistently worrying about and trying to predict their parents' unpredictable reactions and behaviour. This hypervigilance can carry into adulthood, making it harder for adult children of emotionally immature parents to relax and feel safe. 

Poor Boundaries 

Emotionally immature parents often fail to respect and establish healthy boundaries, not just with others, but also with themselves. Modelling like this may teach  their children to also develop boundary issues. 

Adult children of emotionally immature parents may struggle to assert themselves, frequently put others' needs before their own, or allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Alternatively, they may develop overly strict boundaries, keeping people at a distance to avoid emotional harm and vulnerability.

Coping Strategies and Healing

While the impacts  of growing up with emotionally immature parents can be significant, healing and growth are possible. Understanding and acknowledging the impact of one's upbringing is the first step toward recovery. Below are other strategies to help individuals heal and overcome the negative effects of their upbringing.

Please note, this is not about blaming the parent or primary caregiver, it’s about acknowledging that these things happened, they had an impact and how you cope and managed served a purpose of keeping you safe. 


Seeking therapy can be beneficial for individuals who have grown up with emotionally immature parents. A qualified therapist can help them explore and process their childhood experiences, develop healthier coping mechanisms, express healthy boundaries and build stronger self-esteem. Therapy provides a safe space to express emotions and understand how past experiences shape current behaviours and thoughts. 

Building Emotional Intelligence

Developing emotional intelligence, or emotional fluency,  is crucial for overcoming the effects of an emotionally immature upbringing. This involves learning to recognize, understand, and manage one's emotions. It also includes developing empathy and healthy communication skills. 

Mindfulness practices, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help individuals manage stress and stay grounded. Therapy can also teach healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation strategies. 

Establishing Healthy Boundaries 

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries with emotionally immature parents is essential to protect one's emotional well-being and foster healthy relationships. This may involve limiting contact or learning to say no to unreasonable demands. 

When setting boundaries, it is crucial to recognize one's needs and limits, assert them confidently, and ensure relationships foster mutual respect and understanding. 

Building a Support System

Creating a supportive network of friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional validation and stability. Surrounding oneself with empathetic and understanding individuals can help mitigate feelings of isolation and insecurity. 

Self-Compassion and Self-Care

Practicing self-compassion and self-care is vital for healing. This involves treating oneself with kindness, recognizing one's worth, and taking time to nurture physical and emotional health. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as taking up a new hobby or reading a good book, can help rebuild a sense of self-worth and emotional stability.

Dealing with Guilt and Manipulation 

Backlash from parents is expected when beginning your healing journey. Emotionally immature parents may react with guilt-tripping, manipulation, or hostility. They may accuse their children of being ungrateful or selfish for asserting their needs, leading to guilt, shame, or confusion. 

Children of emotionally immature parents often prioritized their parents' needs and happiness over their own. This conditioning can make acts like setting boundaries feel wrong or selfish. It may also invoke a fear of losing parental approval or being ostracized by family. 

It is important to remember that these manipulation tactics are being used to maintain control and resist change. It’s also important to remember that this is not necessarily being done from a malicious or consciously calculated stand point, the emotionally immature parent/caregiver often lacks the awareness and self reflection to understand the motivating factors behind their actions and behaviour.

Understanding and recognizing these behaviours can empower individuals to distance themselves emotionally. Practicing self-compassion and seeking reassurance from supportive people is also vital. 

Moving Forward with Hope

Growing up with emotionally immature parents can have profound emotional and psychological effects, shaping one's self-esteem, relationships, and emotional well-being. Healing from this trauma requires ongoing effort and commitment to personal growth. However, with awareness, support, and the right coping strategies, it is possible to overcome the adverse effects of your upbringing and build an emotionally healthy life. 

Heal From Emotionally Immature Parents With Our Therapist Collective

At, we provide client-centred care for all ages. Our goal is to offer a supportive environment where clients can explore how their upbringing shaped their emotional well-being and begin the path toward healing. 

Our team of psychotherapists brings diverse expertise to meet each client's unique needs. Through our sessions, individuals learn to challenge negative patterns rooted in their childhood, develop healthier coping mechanisms, enhance emotional intelligence, and more.

Book a free half-hour consultation via video call or phone to learn more. Call us at 647-296-9235 or click here to book your appointment. __________________________________________________________________________________

Learn more about the impacts of growing up with emotionally immature parents and strategies for healing below:


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